Online Tuition UPSR: Monthly Drill Class

Monthly Drill Class
Our Monthly drill Class (E TEST )will guarantee 100%.  Currently we are offering tutorial solution for parents who wants immediate improvement in their child’s education. Unlike tuition centers and schools, the monthly E Test will provide general outline what is your child’s progress for the period of one month. How to use the E Test


  1. Students needs to sit for 20 Questions every fortnight
  2. The test will only provide students the Marks and how much they have achieve
  3. Students can redo the test as many times as they like.
  4. They more they study, the better they will yield in the exam
Why are solutions not provided?
We do provide solution to the purchaser. Parents will get a copy of the solutions but they will need to keep it away from the child. Let your child try out our system. If they get more than 6 WRONGS, just ask them to study harder and resit for the test. The E test system do not spoon feed students instead, the E Test helps students to be independent. Parents can give the answer sheet to their “Tuition Teacher” to guide them. The idea of E Test in is to provide 3 way communication between students, teachers and our online systems. Once the students strive for a better grade, this will eventually improve the child’s education

Online tuition class



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