No 1 Online Tuition Class Malaysia – IGCSE, SPM, SAT, A Level
We only provide quality tutors to guide students to achieve good grades. We are keen to give the best education to teach our students. Improvement is assured within two classes!
Our Class is open for both Malaysian and International Students

The Best Online Tuition Class Malaysia - IGCSE, SPM, SAT

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We provide quality online class for busy parents and teachers

We provide tutoring for various subjects ranging from Math, Science, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Additional Mathematics , World History and Business Studies.



There are many reasons why students across the world choose us. One of the most preeminent reason would be reliability, security and affordability. Our rates are really reasonable. With only USD 100 you can  enjoy 4 seasons of classes with monthly assessment. 

Message From Principal

We have been fine tuning our way of teaching for more than 8 years. With the right tools to learn, online tuition can be very effective and safe. Unlike the traditional home tuition, online tutoring bring many benefits

Choosing Best Tutor: 
Parents can choose the best tutor to coach the child. This solve the problems related distance and geography. The students maybe from Malaysia but the teacher can be anywhere ranging from Singapore to England. Geography will not be a factor and still students can enjoy getting the best tutor around the globe.

It is safer to run the class online. Unlike traditional tutoring, online tutoring helps by providing a safe environment for both students and teacher.  Avoid sexual harassment, unwanted guest in your house and the stay away from the feel of discomfort tutors in your house

Cheaper & Economical
Online tutoring is affordable. With the user of internet tutors and students can enjoy lower rates since tutors do not need to travel to student’s house