30 Medan Angsana 2
Penang, M'sia
Resistor Online IGCSE Phyics Class
Resistor is a device that limits the flow of the current. The most commonly used film resistors can be divided into types according to the materials used: carbon-film,.
Sensitivity of Thermometer
The sensitivity of the thermometer is the ability of the thermometer to detect a small change in temperature. Here are some of the factors that influence the.
Skin: Online IGCSE Coordinated Science Class
SKIN ONLINE IGCSE COORDINATED SCIENCE CLASS Parts Function Epidermis Top Layer of the skin. Provides protection against bacteria and germs Dermis The layer where most receptors are.
Electric Field Online IGCSE Physics Class
An electric field is a region of electrical charge. We have two types of charges that create an electric field. Positive charge and negative charge. Positive charge:.