30 Medan Angsana 2
Penang, M'sia
Online Class with School Leaving Certificate
Recently, we have collaborate with Pine Hills Internatioal School in Malaysia to help homeschoolers to obtain School Leaving Certificate provided they can complete our online program. The name.
Update from Cambridge International on May June 2020 Exams
From the news the May/ June 2020 exam is cancelled due to Covid-19. Read this paragraph carefully “We recognise that students have been working very hard towards.
E Learning for SPM AND STPM
Students studying SPM and STPM can opt for online 1 to 1 classes. We are using a combination of technology to conduct classes. Our multimedia features consists.
Online Class in Hospital
CONDUCTING ONLINE CLASS ANYWHERE WITH MY STUDENT We provide online class for student who is medically ill. If you are able to proof that you are.