30 Medan Angsana 2
Penang, M'sia
Online Science Class
SCIENCE IGCSE CLASS Finally we have started our first class with Year 7 students. We introduce the concept of electrostatic and I am happy that students can.
SPM Tips and Discussion
wwwo.onlinetuitionclass.com with collaboration with www.tipsexam.com would like to invite SPM Students to take the opportunity to grab SPM 2020 Forecast Tips. Students can purchase the exam tips.
Online IGCSE / GCSE Crash Course
We provide IGCSE Crash course this month. All you need to to is to join 4 months of of our course and we will rush everything for.
Online Class with School Leaving Certificate
Recently, we have collaborate with Pine Hills Internatioal School in Malaysia to help homeschoolers to obtain School Leaving Certificate provided they can complete our online program. The name.