NOW UPSR , PT3 , SPM STUDENT can learn online. We hope this will help students to stay at home and prep for exam
At the present moment we are looking to run few online classes with minimal number of students per classroom. The class room will be focusing on tutorial and past year papers. Since students will be at home during the lock-down, we hope you wont take this as your public holiday. It is NOT!!!!! I am trying my very best to promote as many class as possible for you so that you can learn something daily.
How to Register (Class Starts 23 March 2020)
Prepping students for online classes while praying hard that the Covid 19 will soon disappear. Classes will be short covering past year papers with LIVE Tutoring. Students can ask questions and I will try my very best to assist you. How to get started
- Step 1:Just download at https://www.skype.com
- Step 2: Create and account in skype
- Step 3: Fill up the form before 21 March 2020
- Step 4: Wait for approval will send you an email
- All Payment must be made the latest 22 Marc 2020
Banking Details
Please Bank into
Edunovice Enterprise
Maybank 507424000698
Terms and Condition
Students need to attend 2 classes per subject
What if school reopens on 1st April 2020?
Don’t worry, Just inform us if you cant make it. There will be a partial refund. We do hope school reopens because this shows that the corona virus is reduced
Partial Refund, How does it work?
In the event where school starts on the 1st of April, Our team will refund you 80% from your total payment. It takes us 3 days to process the payment. Please whatsapp us yea.
What if I would like to schedule 1 to 1 tutoring without joining group session?
You can always whatsapp 012-4594388
How do i join the class?
Fill up the form. Payment can be made using Banking Transaction.